Buddha’s Hand: Looking Good, Smelling Good, and Feeling Happy.


Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis

Buddha’s Hand being savagely prepared by the author.


One afternoon, under the shade of a citron tree, Gautama Buddha reached toward a bough weighted with fruit. He plucked one and considered it for a moment. It was large, round and unappealing to the eye. Biting into its flesh, he found only an offensive bitterness. The Buddha, being so displeased with the fruit, resolved to reach forward again to smite it from existence for its worthlessness. The Buddha would have exercised this power if not for compassion, because, in the same moment, he gave the tree a choice: produce a fruit appealing to humankind or cease to exist. The tree obliged to please the Buddha.

The fruits reached back toward the the Buddha wantingly, mirroring the enlightened one’s own outstretched hand. The flesh blushed a brilliant yellow and began exuding sweet perfume. Being so pleased, the Buddha sanctioned the existence of Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis [9].

Thousands of years later, a weirdo began writing about the fruit on his laptop at 12:20 am with the rain falling down outside.

Welcome to the oddly shaped, sweet-smelling, touchy-feely, happily symbolic, and art-inspiring world of the Buddha’s Hand.

May it please your eye and sweeten your soul.



By: Kevin Healey

Please visit patreon.com/pullupyourplants if you would personally like to support this work.

For my beautiful wife and son, as always.

